View Full Version : Capture RTMP streams failed

06-19-2009, 05:51 AM
Want to capture this video (http://videos.tf1.fr/la-soiree-de-letrange/emission-du-13-juin-2009-4441908.html) which plays after an add (will work only if you're located in France like me). I can play it and Media Catcher detects it but fails to catch it.

Here is the report

from plug-in: Capture RTMP streams
target file: 2642161.h264_0CA99A0C
Data saved: 0 kb

Internal error while trying to download RTMP stream
m_nErrType = 11
m_strDesc = "code: NetConnection.Connect.Rejected
description: [ AccessManager.Reject ] : Must use RTMPE or RTMPTE on this connection"
m_strFile = F:\proj32\TestRTMPClient\RTMPStreamRip.cpp
m_nLineNumber = 969

Can someone enlighten me about what it means and if there is a way to solve it ?

Tasha Heinlein
06-19-2009, 08:00 PM
This means that the video is using secure RTMP measures (http://www.applian.com/replay-media-catcher/support/secure-rtmp-measures.php). You will need to use Replay Video Capture (http://www.applian.com/replay-video-capture/index.php) to record this.