View Full Version : Discover all Segment URL's at once [RMC 4.3.2]

12-29-2012, 05:51 AM

I'm trying to download a mp4 file of 30 minutes, which is streamed via the http protocol. However, this file is split up in multiple segments (maybe an anti-leech feature?). When playing this file in the browser, RMC 4.3.2 only picks up the first segment URL of 2 minutes and downloads this part correctly. After these two minutes have passed, a new URL gets available to download, and so on. Is it possible to let RMC discover all URL's in the beginning or to download all these segments at once?

With regards,

Shellie Heggenberger
01-03-2013, 02:49 PM

First, please update Replay Media Catcher from the link below and reboot:

Please make sure that you have administrative rights while installing Media Catcher.

Also in Replay Media Catcher settings, http tweaks, set the max segments to 1.